Blogging on the possibilities of being

Being At-Ease During Intense Times
Lately, I have been stressed out. Experiencing a deep feeling of “unsettledness” inside. Lots of worry in the chatterbox of my thoughts.

How Does This Body-Based Stuff Work?
How do the movement-breath-sound combinations we practice together work? What’s happening inside that changes?

Be There for Yourself
The other day I was chatting with my teacher, Julie. Just a regular conversation about the morning, they sky…

New Year Reflection
Are you satisfied? My meditation teacher, Lama Lena Yeshe Kaytup often speaks about this Dzogchen teaching. Last time I heard her say something about it…

Making Friends with My Body
I am not quite sure where all this is going to take me. I have hopes and preferences, and I may end up landing in another place entirely.

Ease is Available
One of the most remarkable things about the somatics I continue to learn and practice is how it takes me directly to a state of ease. It happens for the clients I work with, too.

Learning to Let Go
My teachers start every teaching by saying something like, “Let Yourselves Be Comfortable.” “Make Yourself Comfortable.” “Let Yourself Relax.” Even my Tai Chi/Qi Gong teacher is always reminding us to relax all our joints so we have access to full power of the movement.

Longing for Belonging
Lately I have been getting questions from my clients that basically are all a version of something like: How do I take care of myself when the external ground—the shape of the world, the country, the region, local community in which I live—keeps shifting…

A Reflection, and A Wish
Gosh, it’s been awhile. Since I have sat at the keyboard and written about practice for my Blog. Not sure how it feels yet, to put myself out into the Internet space after several months of focusing on cultivating my internal spaces.

Why I Practice Embodiment
The other day, my Tai Chi teacher, Linda Brown, was observing me and the other students in class. Her feedback to us was: “Be in the moment because that’s where the power is.

Experience Your Reliability
A few weeks ago I noticed, in a very direct way, how I often look outside, to experts for the “right” answer. Discounting myself in the process. What happens when the outside experts aren’t there for me?

Objecting as Kindness…Let’s Blow Some Raspberries!
In Zapchen Somatics there are several playful things we do when we don’t wanna. I call them Practices of Objection. Funny Talking, Blowing Raspberries, Talking Tough, to name a few.

Practicing Anyway
Lately I’ve been having the experience of feeling stuck, like things aren’t moving the way I want them to, or fast enough, or I can’t get traction. In these moments, it’s difficult for me to practice.

Resting As Practice
Let Yourself Be. Each of my embodiment teachers—no matter the lineage—emphasizes this. The pause. Resting. Relaxing. Letting yourself be.

Toning Our Pulsations
A big part of me returning to my experience of my bodily self has been developing my relationship to my bodily self. What supports me in that are somatic practices that tone my pulsations. Includes link to Getting Up & Lying Down video teaching!

Plumping Our Central Channel
I’ve been noticing what occurs when I keep trying. When I press on with my agenda. When I insist on a path forward instead of abiding while things unfold. Includes link to video teaching of Zapchen Sighing practice!

The Dilemma of ‘The Push’
“Gotta get things right.” “Gotta get things done.” “Gotta get things how I want them to be.” “Gotta keep going so things don’t go wrong.”

My Zapchen Roots
How fortunate I am that I stumbled into these potent practices, and the wonderful teachers that developed them and who continue to teach me. I thought it might be nice to introduce some of them to you in this blog post.

Three Things
“Some circumstances will always be easier.” When I hear this inside my head, I think, “yeah, it’s true: some circumstances always will be easier.” Includes link to Somatic Breathing video!

Being Aliveness at Our Edges
When I’m inhabiting myself fully, including my edges, I often experience a sense of wonder, like I’m a glistening soap bubble dancing in space.