The Dilemma of ‘The Push’

“Gotta get things right.” “Gotta get things done.” “Gotta get things how I want them to be.” “Gotta keep going so things don’t go wrong.”

I call these particular voices inside me ‘The Push’.

Sometimes ‘The Push’ is obvious. Oftentimes it’s subtle, even sneaky. Because it’s become such a familiar pattern that it’s hard to notice.

I’ve noticed a somatic pattern in myself that occurs as part of ‘The Push’, that I can best describe as a hardening or gripping in my chest and torso, as well as a rising up and out of my pelvis.

What’s helpful for me, and others who might make similar patterns of body and energy, to release them?

Somatic practices that support us to renew our sense of ground and rest into our pelvis. Combinations of movement, breath and sound that touch, pat, plump and fill us with pulsation from the inside.

All this helps us soften and loosen our grip on the pattern. And a new pattern of flow, that is grounded, can emerge.

When we allow ourselves as body to flow, which is what we as bodies are designed to do, we can access the healing, resilience and well-being that inherently lives inside us. That inherent well-being and resilience is flow.

And when being as body is ease-full, our doing is more likely to be ease-full. We are able to back off from ‘The Push’. We aren’t drained by the doing.

From my heart to yours,


Dilemmas of life: Gripping the pattern that pushes us to keep gripping!

Dilemmas of life: Gripping the pattern that pushes us to keep gripping!


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