Going Out on a Limb

Hello! Welcome to my blog!

I’ve entered the blogosphere, I’ll admit, a bit reluctantly. 

My teachings are living organisms of experience that happen in private session and group classes. What wisdom can I offer outside of that? The truth is, only my own experience of embodiment. And, I don’t know if that’s helpful or even interesting. 

This blog is an experiment. It feels like me stepping further out onto the budding limb of my Somatic Coaching & Healing business. 

It’ll be a mix of writing, photos and practice videos. At least that’s what I’ve done so far.

I thought I’d begin with a video of me talking a bit about Zapchen Somatics: what it is, what we “do,” and why I love it. 

Take a look/listen. Let me know how it lands for you. I’d love to hear from you.

From my heart to yours,


Curious about Zapchen Somatics? What is it? What do we do? Marla shares, in her words and her experience.


Being Aliveness at Our Edges


All Roads