Going Out on a Limb
Hello! Welcome to my blog!
I’ve entered the blogosphere, I’ll admit, a bit reluctantly.
My teachings are living organisms of experience that happen in private session and group classes. What wisdom can I offer outside of that? The truth is, only my own experience of embodiment. And, I don’t know if that’s helpful or even interesting.
This blog is an experiment. It feels like me stepping further out onto the budding limb of my Somatic Coaching & Healing business.
It’ll be a mix of writing, photos and practice videos. At least that’s what I’ve done so far.
I thought I’d begin with a video of me talking a bit about Zapchen Somatics: what it is, what we “do,” and why I love it.
Take a look/listen. Let me know how it lands for you. I’d love to hear from you.
From my heart to yours,