Somatic Healing

We support your body and nervous system to release stress and experience a deep state of relaxation. We help your body move in and out of physical states--flow that is a hallmark of transformative healing.

During a Somatic Healing session, you experience contact that is embodied, present, and aware of body tissues, systems and energies.

Somatic Healing sessions help you re-balance, and feel more integrated, whole and alive. Tight areas open to release, hormones recalibrate, toxins dissolve more easily. Immune system function is strengthened. 

Somatic Healing sessions are available online for 60 minutes.

Reserve a Somatic Healing Session here.


Somatic Meditation

Maybe you’ve never meditated. Maybe you’ve tried to meditate, but thought-based methods haven’t been the right fit. Maybe you have a meditation practice and want to deepen it. Maybe you have trouble sitting still.

During a Somatic Meditation session, we practice moving attention through our body, rather than observing thoughts. We use movement, breath and sound as portals to being aware of our bodies, and then cultivating awareness as body.

Somatic Meditation develops capacity for mindfulness, and also fosters full-body presence. The work reduces tension and supports deeper sleep. Increased clarity accompanies more expansive thinking and a greater sense of possibility.

Somatic Meditation sessions are available online for 60 minutes.

Reserve a Somatic Meditation Session here.


Somatic Coaching

Whatever life dilemma you bring forward, Somatic Coaching can support you to feel more at-ease and comfortable in your body. We work somatically with sensations, thoughts or feelings that arise, always returning to the central locus—you as body, energy and mind. 

You’ll be supported to listen to your body’s signals. The work supports balance and responsiveness. Healthy boundary-setting is fostered and reactivity is reduced. Immune and other body systems are strengthened.

Each session is customized to your specific needs of that moment, day or week, and your long-term goals. We move at your pace and work with the material you’re ready to work with. 

Somatic Coaching sessions are available online for 60 minutes.

Reserve a Somatic Coaching Session here.